Day 9, Saturday August 24th
Clarksburg, West Virginia to New York City
437 Miles, 67mph average

There isn't a whole lot to say about day 9. It sucked. We started out having to wait for the shop to open, so Adam could have his new tire put on. Then we waited for them to put the tire on. They were very nice and efficient about it, but it still took another hour before we were on our way. Then we drove a really long way on the interstate sitting on motorcycles not exactly renowned for there super slab comfort. Next time we trailer them down! The only real thing of note was the increased concentration of Harleys as we made our way north along The New Jersey Turnpike. It seemed that the 2002 americas911ride was scheduled for the same day. These guys were also making their way to NYC, but from DC. By the time we reached the entrance to the Holland Tunnel, the cops had stopped all automobile traffic and were waving what appeared to be an endless stream of burbling V-twins, riders with leather fringe jackets and American flags through the tunnel. We paid our toll and joined up. It was quite a fitting end to our trip, nothing but the glorious sound of motorcycles all the way through the tunnel. Back in Manhattan I turned to head north up Hudson Street and Adam and Zac headed east to the Brooklyn Bridge. We waved good-bye and that was that. The end.

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